Class Expectations/Directions

English Binder Checks

It is essential that you keep your English binder organized.

You will have announced and random binder checks.  Binder checks will count as a quiz grade.

Tic-Tac-Toe Activities

You will be required to complete THREE Tic-Tac-Toe activities each week.  You will have nine activities to choose from.  These activities include journal prompts, spelling activities, reader responses, and challenge puzzles.  Tic-Tac-Toe activities also provide an opportunity to complete make up work.

Every Thursday you will turn in a Tic-Tac-Toe form stated the three squares you chose.


***Students in First Period Advanced English will not have spelling.

These activities will be replaced with vocabulary activities.

Sticky Note Activities/Extra Credit Opportunities

You will required to complete 1 sticky note activity during the 1st and 4th nine weeks grading periods and 2 sticky note activities during the 2nd and 3rd nine weeks grading periods. 

These activities will count as a test/project grade.

Any additional Sticky Note Activities will be accepted as extra credit.

Sticky Note Instructions

You will be required to read at least one novel independently during the first and fourth nine weeks grading period and two novels during the second and third nine weeks grading periods. Our class novels do not count as an independent novel.

As you read your novel you will use sticky notes to mark parts of your book that interest you.

These sticky notes will be turned in when you finish your book. 

The sticky notes must be turned in BEFORE the end of the grading period and will count as a test grade.

1.  Each sticky note must have the correct symbol, page number, and your name on the front.

            Refer to your sticky note cheat sheet for symbols.

2.  On the back of your sticky note write a BRIEF reasoning behind your sticky note and why you chose that symbol for that specific page in your book.

3.  You need to turn in a minimum of two sticky notes for each chapter of your book.

EXAMPLE:  If your book has 12 chapters, you should turn in 24 sticky notes total.


Vocabulary – (section two of your notebook) Each student will be assigned seven vocabulary words on Monday.  By Friday students needs to define each word.  Definitions need to be written in complete sentences and in your own words. 

DO NOT COPY the dictionary word for word.  Students also need to write the etymology of each word. (Etymology – the origin of the word)  Vocabulary words are homework.


amigoWhen you use the word amigo, you are calling someone a friend.

etymology The word amigo is originally from the Spanish language, literally meaning friend.  This word is also derived from the Latin word amicus, also meaning friend.


Spelling – (section three of your notebook) Mrs. Alford’s English 7 classes will utilize a leveled spelling program.  Each student will have a spelling list based on their current reading and spelling abilities.  Students’ lists will change with their progress.  Spelling tests will be administered every other Thursday.  Advanced English 7 students will not participate in spelling.



Binder/Notebook Setup

Composition Book/One Subject Notebook – Journal

Three Subject Notebook:   Section 1 – Bellwork, Section 2 – Vocabulary, Section 3 – Spelling

Binder – Binder pages will be numbered as they are complete.  We will keep a table of contents.

Two Pocket Folder – Tic-Tac-Toe forms and work to be completed.